For us optimising nutrition is about evidence based advice to help improve the quality of your life, avoid illness, injury, and help you live well for longer.

What will we do?
We will tailor the assessment to you requirements; ranging from asking you to keep a weeks food and training diary to taking a 24hr food recall from you or just chatting through your likes and dislikes, food habits, organisation and cooking skills will depend on what you wish to gain from the program. Is it to bulk up, to lose weight, maximise growth and performance or simply to be healthier and stave off some of those lifestyle diseases? Once we have completed the initial assessment you will get a report and plan and then we will check in with you a week later to make sure you feel its going to work for you and make tweaks as necessary. Then its up to you – some people need to come in more often to start with to get into good habits and are keen to take on board more information and details and some prefer a monthly check in but between us we will find what is going to work for you to help you optimise your health and get the most out of life!
What will you gain?
You will gain a huge amount of body awareness and more of an understanding of what you need on a day to day basis to lead a healthy life.
How much will it cost?
It’s £150 for the full Nutrition analysis where you will receive a bespoke report and plan.
We recommend 45 min follow up’s at £57 to make sure the new program works for you and give you more information over those sessions and importantly to keep you motivated to stay on course.
If you’d rather a more casual program we offer the 45 min appointments without the initial full analysis and plan and over the appointments we can go through diet advice and chat more so we can layer in the details over a few weeks.
What will you need?
The motivation to book the first appointment is half the battle and knowing you have decided to take charge of your body from the inside out is a huge start.
Check out some high protein healthy options here…