At Abbey View Physiotherapy we offer a range of Massage and can tailor it to your specific needs, whether its a relaxing session needed or a deep tissue Sports Massage. Perhaps you need some calm in your life and self preservation time to aid in blood flow and relaxation of the whole system?
Alternatively a Sport Massage is generally deeper and can specifically target areas that you may have overworked exercising or doing repetitive tasks. It helps to improve the health of the connective tissue and aid muscle recovery and although some of it may be less relaxing it may be necessary to improve the blood flow back into those tight tissues.

What will we do?
Massage is not a replacement for injury assessment or treatment but an adjunct to treatment for injuries and a recovery tool and can be fantastic at helping you avoid injury and pain. We will work to aid muscle recovery and boost mobility to help your body cope with the strains of life, exercise and aim to prevent any further injury occurring.
With this in mind some of our clients choose to have an hour session split into 30 mins 1:1 Training/Pilates/Yoga with a 30 min Massage after – taking charge of the one body you get to live in!
What will you gain?
Improved muscle recovery, aid from fatigue and pain and it has also been proved to be effective with improving performance by boosting muscle health.
How much will it cost?
£65 for a 60 minute treatment, £50 for 45 minute or you can also choose a 30 minute Sports Massage for just £35. We also have Vouchers if you would like to buy a gift for someone.
What will you need?
No need to bring anything although we always recommend drinking plenty of water to keep your system working well. We do have heated blankets if you would prefer to be on the warmer side please let us know ahead of your Massage and we can make sure the bed is toasty for you.