Muscles have numerous functions – the most obvious role in relation to running is the ability to contract, generate force, and pull on the tendons thereby generating joint movements.
If you ask one hundred yoga practitioners what yoga means to them, it is my experienced opinion that you would get one hundred different answers. Some of us aren’t even able to express with words all the ways that yoga enhances our lives.
Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. Visit us at Abbey View Physiotherapy.
For many of us, cycling is a perfect exercise for many reasons. It is one of the most effective ways to burn fat and loose weight from all over your body, whilst it also tones your core muscles and of course arms and legs too.
Originally from China, where it has been practiced for thousands of years, acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, thin needles through the skin at specific points and at varying depths along the body.
Feeding children is stressful enough for parents without having to think about all the nutrients they may or may not be getting or absorbing